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How To Become A Digital Nomad

For many, the dream of packing your van or motorhome full of your worldly possessions (following a downsize, of course!) for life on the road is very appealing. Perhaps even converting a van yourself to make the perfect space for you and your loved ones might be a dream come true.   You may see photos on Instagram or Facebook of individuals living in their van full time who appear to have it all together taking gorgeous photographs of the scenery and apparently living their best life. But remote working isn't just sitting by a lake while you work on

By |2021-09-11T21:02:11+00:00September 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Classic Cars And 3D Printing

3D printing technology has advanced significantly in the last few decades. You can buy an entry-level 3D printer for only a few hundred pounds. YouTubers have made 3D printing even more attractive to the general public amassing hundreds of thousands of subscribers watching them create a vast array of items. The technology itself has been around for many years, with the first documented iterations traced back to 1980s Japan. Initially, 3D printing allowed designers to create prototypes and models far more quickly than by hand, and it was believed this would be its only purpose. However, 3D printing processes have

By |2021-09-04T11:03:43+00:00September 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Are Classic Cars More Valuable Than Gold?

New research indicates that classic cars can nearly double in value over ten years, making classic cars more valuable than gold or art. Vanarama has analysed fifteen classic cars considered to be ‘affordable’ options at less than £15,000 per model. Their value was tracked over the last decade (between 2010 and 2020), drawing on data from Hagerty, a classic car specialist. What they discovered was perhaps surprising to many – that the average classic car increased in value by 97% during this time period. This equates to an average increase of over £14,400 – nearly double the original value. Of

By |2021-08-28T15:00:08+00:00August 28th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Most Expensive Cars Sold At Auction This Year

Despite the turmoil of 2021, with many businesses shut for the first half of the year, the classic car sales market has boomed. Auction sale prices have risen by 17%, with the average UK auction sale price currently at £45,648 from £38,984 last year. Experts believe this increase is due to more collectors paying above and beyond the high estimate for these collectable vehicles. Over 34% of buyers paid above the high estimate; this is compared to 17.9% in 202   Modern classics, cars from the 1980s had the highest rate of completed sales when compared with other car eras.

By |2021-08-20T17:07:52+00:00August 20th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How To Keep Your Classic Car Rodent Free

There is nothing like taking your beloved classic car out of storage, jumping in for a drive down a long road with your friend. You might even put the top down on your old convertible and let the wind rush through your hair. Perhaps you like passing a fellow classic car enthusiast on the road and giving each other the knowing nod or those admiring glances from classic car fans.   But what happens if you arrive at your vintage vehicle and realise that the biggest fan of your beautiful car has fur and razor-sharp teeth? The fact is rodents

By |2021-08-14T13:31:23+00:00August 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The UK’s Best Drives

Many classic car owners dream of speeding down Route 66 or the Autobahn. The ability to let the pedal hit the metal and enjoy the scenery is unparalleled. Of course, international travel is still somewhat stunted, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy an incredible drive. There are some beautiful lavish landscapes in this country, but are these the UK's best drives?   Of course, we’re not recommending you break any speed limits, a speeding fine will put a real damper on your drive, and the last thing you want is the increase in your classic car insurance premiums. However,

By |2021-08-07T09:12:38+00:00August 7th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Can E-Fuels Rescue Classic Cars?

Many classic car owners are on tenterhooks with news that the government is moving towards mass electrification of cars, intending to do away with all diesel and even petrol cars by 2050 following a ban on the sale of new combustion vehicles will be introduced in 2030.   Many of us, classic and modern car owners alike, feel reluctant to switch to electric cars. Indeed, for classic car owners, the cost of conversion of a prized vintage vehicle is relatively high. Whilst switching to electricity may seem the best way to help the environment, it is actually a hugely expensive

By |2021-07-29T11:28:18+00:00July 29th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Four Best Cornwall Beaches for Camping Or Caravanning

Cornwall has long been a top-rated destination for UK holiday-makers. Located in the Southwest of England, Cornwall has more than 300 beaches spanning its 250 miles of coastline. These areas range from large sandy beaches teeming with families having fun to tiny secluded coves where you can forget the world for the day. Cornwall’s northern coast is more exposed to the Atlantic Ocean’s winds; this means it has a more rugged appearance with cliffs and steep valleys. Contrasting this is the southern coast, which is much more sheltered. This coast is most well-known for its fishing ports and boasts wooded

By |2021-07-16T13:43:38+00:00July 16th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Brexit Red Tape Could Prevent Classics Exhibiting or Racing In Europe

Not many decisions in the last decade have caused more controversy than that of Leave or Remain. In addition to the political uproar caused by the Brexit decision, it has also become a thorn in the side of classic car owners, with extra paperwork costing them hundreds of pounds.   Malcolm McKay, a spokesperson for the Historic and Classic Vehicle Association, has stated that transporting cars to the EU is now significantly more complex and costly. This is a fact which will put some people off travelling. He believes that the classic car industry "hadn't thought through" the implications of

By |2021-07-10T13:28:27+00:00July 10th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

England Vs Germany – Battle of the Classic Cars

Tuesday saw one of the most anticipated clashes of Euros 2021, with England vs Germany. The long-standing rivalry goes far beyond strikers and goalposts, though. The battle is more prevalent on the road than it is on the pitch for some of us.       E-Type or 911? Allegro or Golf? Mini or Beetle? Choosing between British beauties and German Gems can seem like an impossibility. Both nations have designed and produced some of the best and most capable cars in the world. Over the decades, when one of these countries was at its car-producing peak, it's made it almost

By |2021-07-03T09:14:30+00:00July 3rd, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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